Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Where's the Good News?

Anyone else remember a country song - probably from the 80s - by Anne Murray: "Sure could use a little good news today"? Google it. Try YouTube. Even though it's probably 30 years old, the sentiment certainly has relevance today. 

Maybe I should give up my rose colored glasses, but I prefer to see things on the sunny side. I like getting along with others - I try not to look for the negative, in general. Certainly we all have our pet peeves, and I'm lucky to have a couple of people in my life with whom I'll share those (God bless those select few for putting up with a gripe session now and then). But in general, my philosophy is, "Can't we all just get along?" And couldn't we all benefit from a little more good news and a little less negativity?

My Mission Statement: Find the good and share it as often as I can. 
Be A "Good News Mom!"

My Good News for today: I woke up to this Mother-Daughter Video on Facebook this morning. My daughter Ellie and I were asked to participate in a photo shoot as a part of a fundraiser for breast cancer research. As a 2-year survivor with a 5-year-old daughter, I was tickled - and honored - to be a part of this experience. The Good News is a sorority at Indiana University will raise thousands of dollars this year for research, and we were blessed to be a small part of that effort.

Good News, part two... I cannot wait to try a recipe for a raspberry chocolate bundt cake. Who said you can't splurge now and then. Click here - hope it tastes as good as it sounds!